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November 22, 2005



people like you need more smart juice :p
I know alians are real and that Space Crafts are real I have seen them up close with my own two eyes when I was in 3rd grade. It was over my naighbors home.
and you can say oh oh oh its a frikin military Jet but what does the frikin military want with someone in my naborhood?
and how would it just sit there in mid air and not move?
you people are stupid if you think that the only creatures in this huge universe is us.. How selfish. Kinda like everything revolves around earth thing. when in fact it does not. You can be skeptic if you wan't...
once all you dumb ass people see one you all feel stupid. And then it will be you telling people and them not beleaving a damn thing you say. Thinking your crazy and you immagin it all up.
well.. OH and why wont alians let you know of them? would you want to get to know someone that would more than likely think the worst of them and try to take action on them or put them in institutions and sacrifice more than a few lives for our sciences...

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