Here's Max Boot cautioning against the latest proposed deal with North Korea. Boot argues convincingly ( I think) that any deal that sidesteps invasive verification (the N Koreans are rumored to have already started other secret facilities throughout the country) will ultimately land us right back in the same spot. Furthermore, treating the agreement as anything other than an expedient stopgap is bound to provide a long term economic lifeline to that little mad tyrant, a lifeline that he will simply use again to extort more aid and promises from the West. Any long term solution must envision the end of economic subsidies from South Korea and the ultimate dissolution of Kim's regime.
Perhaps we could just assign the task to Pat Robertson. He could go in and "take him out."
Posted by: Trent | September 22, 2005 at 09:41 AM
Uh-huh. My contempt for the far Religious Right runs pretty deep; but it would be mitigated just slightly if Robertson proved himself to be that useful.
Posted by: Jason Turner | September 22, 2005 at 06:38 PM