Robert Mugabe is continuing his clean up efforts, continuing his 'Drive Out The Trash' campaign, though few care. Not content to punish opposition groups by leveling their homes and razing the communities, Mugabe is now blocking food aid over alleged concerns that the food has been genetically modified:
The World Food Program says up to a third of Zimbabwe's 12 million people may suffer from food shortages, even though Mugabe's government has played down the need for outside help.
Hall said Zimbabwean bureaucracy was keeping 10,000 tons of food aid from U.S. relief groups "bottled up" in the South African port of Durban, over alleged lack of import licenses. He said another group had not been given permission to distribute 15,000 tons already in Zimbabwe.
An aid convoy from the South African Council of Churches has also been held up for nearly a week as the Zimbabwe government insists on certificates to prove it contains no genetically modified food.
Mugabe is bound and determined to ruin the country, and it is unlikely that anyone - the UN, Europe, the US, or the African Union - will do much to stop him:
Opposition groups contend Mugabe's government is driving disaffected city voters into rural areas where they can be intimidated by denial of access to food.
Hall said the official reason for blocking him at Hopley was that the delegation needed a permit to see the military-run site. But, he added, "I was told in a hushed tone that the government doesn't want me to see this place because old people are dying."
And if Mugabe has his way, the 'old people' will be just the beginning.